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Indoor Soccer

soccer player

Registration is now open for the Indoor Season, closes on September 29th, 2024.

Families can register through our Central Registration website.

Central Registration (FCNW Soccer)

  • Recreational soccer registration is moving to a Central Registration system (called RAMP).
  • All registration will be done on the RAMP registration system.
    • You will need to create an account if you have not done so in the past.
    • You must choose the 2025 Rec Indoor Season when you Register.
  • Community Centers will still be hosting soccer teams and providing fields for the Recreational Soccer program. There is no guarantee that your child will be placed on a team from your home Community Center. It all depends how many kids register and what Community Center has a coach for that age group.
  • The following Community Centers host teams: East St. Paul, Garden City, Maples, Tyndall Park, Vince Leah and West. St Paul.

Any LATE registrations done after this time will be subject to the FC Northwest Soccer LATE REGISTRATION POLICY. If the registration is submitted after the Registration Deadline there may not be a spot on a team for your child or your child will be placed on whatever team within the FC Northwest Soccer District that can accept another player. There is absolutely NO guarantee that your child can be placed on a team or what team your child will be placed on. Requests are very difficult to process when a player is late and are most often not met.

General Information

Indoor soccer is a great way to play soccer through the winter. It will help maintain and build skills. Winnipeg’s indoor facilities are fabulous! Make indoor soccer is your new winter sport!

  • The league is available for players between the ages of 9-18 (born 2006 to 2015).
  • The season will start in November and finishes in mid-March.
  • Christmas break from December 23 to January 6.
  • This is a city-wide league, and games are scheduled by WYSA (Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association).
  • Historically, the girls’ teams play on Saturdays and boys’ teams play on Sundays. Older age groups may play during the week Thursdays.
  • Games are played in venues throughout the city:
    • Winnipeg Soccer Federation South (University of Manitoba)
    • Axworthy Health and RecPlex (University of Winnipeg)
    • Winnipeg Soccer Federation North (on Leila close to McPhillips)
  • Teams will be determined in October and will look to have one practice a week in a school gym.
  • Late registration will only be accepted depending on the availability of roster spots in the age group.

PLEASE NOTE: Rosters will be balanced for size and friend requests (must be mutual) will be considered.

Parent coaches are the foundation of our soccer teams. In fact, the league doesn’t exist without them, so we ask that you strongly consider the possibility of stepping up for this important leadership role.

Coaches will complete the applicable coaching credential, along with ongoing support and access to resources. Not only will you be contributing to your child’s development, you will be supporting the community too. Be part of this rewarding experience!

What kind of equipment and attire do they require?

Uniforms are provided to use by the hosting community center. Some Community centers will charge a deposit fee for the uniform which is returned at the end of the season. Items that you are responsible to provide are shin guards and soccer cleats (shoes). These items are mandatory and your child may not be allowed to play without them.

Winnipeg Youth Soccer Association (WYSA) schedules all ages for U9-U18 Recreational Soccer

Mini Soccer

The Maples CC outdoor mini soccer program is a MSA sanctioned program and is available to residents of Winnipeg and surrounding areas, and where a non-MSA sanctioned program is practiced.


The Maples CC outdoor mini soccer season starts in May and runs for 8 weeks. The 4/5-year-olds play on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at 6pm; the 6-year-olds will play on Monday’s and Wednesday’s at 6pm; the 7 year olds will play on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s at 7:15pm; and the 8 year olds will play on Monday’s and Wednesday’s at 7:15pm. Players will receive a jersey and ball to keep, as well as a season ending participation award.

We will strive to have instructors overseeing the sessions, and if you can help out where possible that would be appreciated.

The main objective is to create a safe and enjoyable environment where your child can build upon developing friendships and self-confidence, while learning the basics of soccer. The fair play rule is always followed, creating equal opportunity for all players. As a note, our objective is to have an in-house league with no travel for all age groups. This will be dependent on the number of teams we have in the 7 and 8 age categories.

Have great season!

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