News & Events
These are the latest news and events items from the Maples Recreation Association.
Free Public Skating
Every Saturday 9:45am to 10:45am Location: Maples Multiplex 454 Adsum Drive ...
Indoor Soccer is BACK!!
Registration is now open for the Indoor Season, closes on September 29th, 2024. Families can register through our Central Registration: Central Registration – FCNW Soccer Recreational soccer registration is moving to a Central Registration system (called RAMP). All registration will be done on the RAMP registration system. You will need to create an account if you have not done ...
Celebrate the Opening of the New Spray Pad
You are invited to join Councillor Devi Sharma on Tuesday, July 30 at 4:00 pm at Adsum Park. Ice cream and other treats will be available. The new Community Centre Board of Directors will be there to welcome you ...
New Adsum Spray Pad Open
MRAI is excited to share new Spray Pad in front of the Multiplex, along Adsum Drive is now open. Funding was provided by the city’s Land Dedication Reserve Fund, thanks to support from Councillor Devi Sharma, and the province’s Building Sustainable Communities. It is free of charge for all, and will be open from 9:30 am to 8:30 pm daily ...
MRAI Awarded Funding for a new Accessible Playground
A new Accessible Playground is planned for the current playground in front of the Maples Multiplex site. Funding from the Building Sustainable Communities fund was announced on May 24th, and the project will receive funding through Councillor Devi Sharma and the city’s Land Dedication Reserve Fund. This project will create a new accessible playground for children aged 0 to 12 ...
Maples Annual General Meeting
The AGM will take place on Tuesday, June 4th at 7:00 pm. The event will be held in the Maples Community Centre Gymnasium. Below is a link to the slate of directors and agenda. Slate of directors as presented by the nomination committee. AGM Agenda By-Laws for the Centre ...